Eye Health

A regular eye exam is a key part of eye health and good vision. It is the most important thing you can do to preserve your eyesight. Just like the rest of your body, your eyes change gradually as you age. Unlike the rest of your body, the eyes rarely hurt if something is wrong.
Why should you see an Optometrist?
Glaucoma is a leading cause of preventative blindness today, and can be detected by regular eye health exams with an eye doctor. The disease results in damage to the optic nerve and loss of peripheral vision.
Diabetes patients are 25 times more likely to go blind than those without the disease, so annual eye health exams are essential.
Seniors should be on the alert for eye conditions such as macular degeneration, the leading cause of central vision loss among older people. Early detection is essential, as its damage is permanent. Cataracts are another common effect of aging that can be easily detected by optometrists.
Computer vision syndrome is very common in those who work in front of a computer all day. An optometrist can recommend strategies to prevent eyestrain and improve eye health.
Children should have their eyes examined before the age of three for childhood eye disorders. School-aged children should be examined every year, as most classroom learning is visual. Parents should watch for excessive blinking or eye rubbing, poor hand/eye coordination, poor reading